Page 36 - TYM 2024-1
P. 36

Michelin Teams Up with Antin & Enviro for First Tyre Recycling Plant in in in Sweden 米其林携手Antin、Enviro 瑞典建首家轮胎回收厂 Michelin along with Enviro and and Antin unveiled the pio- neering of a a a a a a a a tyre tyre recycling plant in in in in in Sweden This trans- formative project promises to to reshape tyre tyre disposal practices fostering a a a a a a a a a a circular economy and generating up to to 40 eco-friendly jobs in in in in the local community during its first phase The inaugural facility located in in Uddevalla Sweden has secured all all requisite environmental and construction permits Construction is is underway with plans for the plant to commence operations by 2025 Signifying a a a a a a a a a breakthrough in in in in tyre tyre recycling technology the facili- ty ty ty ty boasts an an an initial capacity of of 35 000 tonnes of of used tyres annu- ally The plant would extract valuable materials like carbon black and and oil from used tyres tyres crucial for manufacturing new tyres tyres and and other products Antin is a a a a a a a majority shareholder shareholder of the the joint venture Michelin a a a a a a a minority minority shareholder shareholder shareholder while Enviro has the the option to to become a a a a a a a a a a a a significant minority minority shareholder shareholder In addition to to obtaining financ- ing ing ing for the the the the construction of of of the the the the industrial plant the the the the joint venture signed a a a a a a a a a a a series of of of of multi-year contracts regarding the the the the supply of of of of end-of-life-cycle tyres as as well as as recovered carbon black and pyrolysis oil In this context Michelin says it remains actively engaged in in in in in ad- vancing the development of used tyre recycling ecosystems and 36 the tyreman 2024/1 is is is dedicated to to collaborating on future advancements in in in in in this this joint venture As part of this this commitment Michelin has entered into a a a a a a a a a a a a a multi-year supply agreement for carbon black and pyrolysis oil The joint venture intends to to to establish factories across Europe with a a a a a a a a a a a a combined annual recycling capacity of of of one million tonnes of of of used tyres Following the the the launch of of of the the the Uddevalla plant the the the joint venture would proceed with constructing additional facto- ries ries in in in in various European countries to to expedite the deployment of this technology Antin and Enviro have already agreed upon a a a a a a a a a a a financing plan for these factory constructions The quantity of of tyres reaching the the end of of their lifecycle and subsequently discarded has steadily increased now amount- ing to to to 3 5 million tonnes annually in in in in Europe alone To address this issue the joint venture was formed to to to advance tyre recy- cling across Europe yielding sustainable raw materials No- tably this includes recovered carbon black and and oils that could be utilised in in in in in tyre manufacturing and and the the petrochemical sec- tor Substituting virgin carbon black with the the the the recovered mate- rial from from the the the joint venture has the the the potential to to slash emissions stemming from from conventional carbon black usage by above 90 per cent “Michelin strongly supports the creation of this joint venture be- tween Enviro Enviro and Antin The undertaking began in in in in in in in 2020 when Michelin became a a a a a a a shareholder in in in in in Enviro Enviro to support the matu- 

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