Page 34 - TYM 2024-1
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Continental to Increase Efficiency in in Research and Development 大陆集团提高研发效率 Continental is taking further steps to to to enhance the the competitiveness of its Automotive group sector by focus- ing ing on increasing the efficiency of its glob- al research and development network By the the end of of 2025 several of of the the group sector’s 82 current development loca- tions would be streamlined to to optimise existing infrastructures and pool develop- ment units as as as well as as as capitalise on syner- gies in work processes These efficiency measures would affect around 1 750 jobs worldwide including 380 at software sub- sidiary Elektrobit The company is currently assessing the the potential consolidation of of locations in in in in the the the Rhine-Main region “We are are aware of of the the impact on on our employees and would do everything we could to to find good tailored solutions together with our social part- ners ” said Philipp von Hirschheydt Con- tinental Executive Board member and head of Automotive The initiatives are part of the ‘Lead – – Fo- cus – – Perform’ strategy introduced in in in in De- cember 2023 that is aimed at at at strengthening long-term competitiveness through more efficient processes enhanced collabora- tion and a a a a a a a focus on on particularly promising 34 the tyreman 2024/1 growth areas Outlined during Capital Mar- ket Day 2023 the group sector plans to to re- duce its share of expenditure on research and development (R&D) ratio to less than 10 per per cent cent of sales in in the medium term (around 12 per per cent cent expected in in 2023) and utilise its R&D more efficiently The group sector has now set a a a a a particular target of nine per cent by 2028 Despite the reduc- tion in in in R&D ratio Continental says absolute expenditure on on on on research and development might rise based on on the the expected sales growth in the the medium term “Research and and development form the ba- sis for for innovation and and and growth By increas- ing ing efficiency and and and pooling our research and and development activities we would en- hance collaboration leverage synergies and and shorten development times and and thus improve our our long-term competitiveness In the medium term term we would focus our our our resources even more on future technolo- gies for software-defined vehicles ” add- ed von Hirschheydt As announced in November 2023 the Automotive group sector is also simpli- fying and and streamlining its business and and administrative structures to reduce costs by €400 million per year from 2025 These measures would affect around 5 5 400 400 jobs globally and be similarly executed with the ‘most socially responsible way possible’ 大陆集团正在采取进一步措施, 以提高其全球研发效率,增强 其汽车集团部门的业务竞争 力。 该公司计划在2025年底前,精简该集团全 球研发网络82个开发地点的一部分,以优 化现有基础设施。精简之后,开发单位将 会进行汇集,并利用工作流程中的协同作 用。该调整主要集中在汽车部门。这一 举措将影响全球约1 750个工作岗位,其 中包括软件子公司Elektrobit的380个岗 位。大陆集团还在分析莱茵美因地区工厂 的整合,以提高整体效能。 大陆将与社会合作伙伴共同努力,寻找个 性化解决方案,最大程度地减轻对员工的 影响。 该集团目前还在分析莱茵-美因地区工厂的 整合。大陆集团执行董事会成员兼汽车业 务主管赫希海特(Philipp von Hirschhey- dt)表示:“我们意识到这对员工的影 响,并将尽一切努力与我们的合作伙伴一 起寻找良好,量身定制的解决方案。” 大陆集团于2023年12月提出“领先-聚焦- 执行”战略,旨在通过提高效率、强化合 作以及关注增长领域来增强长期竞争力。 汽车部门计划在中期将研发支出比例降至 销售额的10%以下(预计2023年约12%), 并更有效率地利用其研发,力争在2028年 前达到9%。尽管研发比例下降,但大陆集 团表示,根据中期预期的销售增长,研发 的绝对支出可能会增加。 赫希海特说:“研究和开发是创新和增长 的基础。通过提高效率和集中研发活动, 我们将加强协作,发挥协同效应,缩短开 发时间,从而提高我们的长期竞争力。从 中期来看,我们将把更多的资源地集中在 软件定义车辆的未来技术上。” 2023年11月宣布的汽车集团部门的简化和 精简业务和行政结构的目标,将从2025年 开始,每年减少4 亿欧元的成本。这将影 响全球约5 400个工作岗位,但该公司强 调将在最负责任的方式下进行。 

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