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ration of of this technology Today the the the the company is is is moving on on on on to a a a a a a a a a new step with the the the the finalisation of of of of the the the the investment for the the the the con- struction of of of this this first factory fin in in in Sweden The launch of of of this this ambi- tious industrial programme which is is is expected to to be developed on a a a a a a a a a European scale perfectly echoes the the strategic objectives of the the the Michelin Group to reach 100 per per cent renewable and recycled materials by 2050 reducing the the overall environmental impact of of its tyres ” states Maude Portigliatti High-tech Mate- rials Business Director – Member of of the Michelin Group Exec- utive Committee Anand Jagannathan Antin Antin Senior Partner adds: “Antin is de- lighted to to join join Enviro and and Michelin to to announce approval for the the the construction of of the the the first of of several plants planned by the the the joint venture The company is excited to to to help create a a a a a a a a a a fully circular platform that that would would restore end of life tyres to to to its constituent raw materials that that would would be sustainably used over over and over over again This is is part of Antin NextGen’s strategy to to focus on proven tech- nologies that require substantial capital to to scale ” Meanwhile Alf Blomqvist Chairman of of Scandinavian Enviro Systems underscores the the significance of of collaborative efforts in in in in in propelling the the industrial shift towards sustainability Scandinavian Enviro Systems has developed a a a a a a a a a a a patented pro- prietary and and modular recycling technology that enables the ex- traction of valuable raw materials materials from used tyres such as as carbon black and oil By substituting these materials materials for their fossil-based counterparts significant environmental advantages are realised including a a a a a a a a a a notable reduction in in in carbon dioxide emissions 期供应协议。 正如早前宣布的,该合资企业计划在欧洲各地建立工厂,废旧 轮胎的年回收能力合计为100万吨。乌德瓦拉工厂启动后,该 合资企业将继续在欧洲各国建设更多工厂,以加快该技术的部 署。Antin和Enviro已就这些工厂建设的融资计划达成一致。 仅在欧洲,报废轮胎的数量就持续稳步增长达每年350万吨。新 合资公就是为了解决这个问题,推进整个欧洲的轮胎回收厂,以 生产可持续原材料。值得一提的是,其中包括回收炭黑以及可以 在轮胎和石化行业循环使用的炭黑和油。使用该合资企业回收的 材料,与替代原生炭黑相比,碳排放量可以减少90%以上。 米其林集团高科技材料业务线执行总监、集团执行委员会成员波 帝利亚迪(Maude Portigliatti)表示:“自2020年成为Enviro 股东以来,米其林鼎力支持Enviro和Antin成立合资企业,以促 成Enviro热裂解技术的发展与成熟。随着瑞典首家工厂投资计划 的完成,我们又迈出了新的一步。未来,我们将加速推动该工业 计划在欧洲的发展,进而助力米其林2050年实现100%可再生和可 回收材料的战略目标,同时减少轮胎对环境足迹的整体影响。” Antin公司高级合伙人贾甘纳坦(Anand Jagannathan)表示:“ 非常荣幸能与Enviro、米其林共同宣布首家工厂建设的获批决 定。我们很高兴能够在创建一个全循环平台上提供协助,将废旧 轮胎转化为可持续原材料。这是Antin‘NextGen战略’的一部 分,通过大规模投资来实现成熟技术的广泛应用。” Scandinavian Enviro Systems董事长布洛姆奎斯特(Alf Blomqvist) 则强调在工业转型方面,一同携手和共同努力的重要性。 Scandinavian Enviro Systems开发了一种专利、专有和模块化 回收技术,能够从废旧轮胎中提取有价值的原材料,例如炭黑和 油。通过用这些材料替代化石材料,相当有利于环保,包括可大 幅减少二氧化碳排放。 进循环经济,并在第一阶段为当地社区创造多达40个 米 其林与Enviro和Antin合作,在瑞典设立首家轮胎回 收工厂。这一变革性项目有望重塑轮胎处理方式,促 就业岗位。 这首家工厂位于瑞典乌德瓦拉,已获得所有必要的环境和施工许 可证。该工厂的建设正在进行中,计划于2025年投入运营。 标志着轮胎回收技术的突破,该工厂的初始产能为每年35 000吨 废旧轮胎。它将从废旧轮胎中提取炭黑和油等有价值的材料,这 对于制造新轮胎和其他产品至关重要。 Antin是该合资公司的大股东,米其林是小股东,Enviro则可以 选择成为重要的小股东。除了获得工厂建设融资外,该合资企业 还签署了一系列有关报废轮胎以及回收炭黑和热解油的多年供应 协议。 在此背景下,米其林将继续积极支持废旧轮胎回收生态系统及该 公司的长期发展。米其林已与该公司就炭黑和热解油签署了多年 37 the tyreman 2024/1 

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