Page 42 - TYM 2023-6
P. 42

Hankook Tire Malaysia Supports Free Milk Project
In a a a a a a a a a a a a demonstration of of corporate social responsibility Hankook Hankook Tire Tire Malaysia the the regional subsidiary of of Hankook Hankook Tire Tire & Tech- nology has joined the the Free Milk Project
The initiative spearheaded by the the the Office of of the the the Member of of Parliament for Segambut is aimed at at ensuring the the the the nutritional well-being of children aged six and below from the the B40 commu- nity whose household earns less than RM4 850 monthly Hankook Tire Malaysia made a a a a a a a a a a significant contribution of of RM10 000 to fund the the the installation of of of free milk machines in in in the the the region This gen- erous donation would facilitate the the the distribution of of essential nutrients to children in in in need The Free Milk Project
operates in in in partnership with the Korean Korean Society Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Korean Korean Embassy in in in Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Masjid Al-Hidayad Mosque and Farm Fresh Malaysia Malaysia As part of the the the project's first phase the the the 100 children enrolled in the the the mosque's welfare programme would receive free milk for a a a a a a a a a a a one-year period Starting in in in in Kampung Sungai Penchala chil- dren could access the the free milk through dispensing machines strategically placed in in in in in in the the the suburban areas of Segambut Allegra Technologies Sdn Bhd was instrumental in in in in in in sponsoring the the the the ma- chines and providing the the the necessary technology for the the the project Fostering a a a a a a a a a collective effort towards healthy growth and the eradication of child hunger several Korean companies includ- ing Hankook Tire Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Posco Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia CJ Century Logis- tic tic SK Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia and MyOptic came together to to to make valuable financial contributions to to the programme During the the launch Managing Director Nam Oh Hyun represent- ing ing ing Hankook Tire Malaysia stated the the the company's dedication to to to social responsibility responsibility "It is the the the company’s responsibility responsibility to to leave a a a a a a a a a a a a a a positive impact on on on the the the local communities that supported it it it it it through the the the the years " " he he he he he said "Hankook Tire Malaysia is happy to be a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a part of the the the Free Milk Project
and and and the the the company would con- tinue to support and and and and share warmth with local communities and and and and organisations that need a a a a a a a a helping hand " 42 the tyreman 2023/6
Hankook Tire says it it it it it it it remains steadfast in in in in its its commitment to sup- port communities within the vicinity of its its plants and subsidiaries Through various initiatives including product donation financial support and active participation in in in fin in in in in local safety programmes the the company consistently invests on on on on efforts in in in in in contributing to the the the well-being and healthy growth of these communities 为了体现企业社会责任,韩泰轮胎科技的区域子公司马 来西亚韩泰轮胎加入了免费牛奶计划。
这个由泗岩沫国会议员办公室带头的倡议,旨在确保B40家庭( 月收入低于4 850令吉)的6岁及以下儿童的营养健康。
马来西亚韩泰轮胎捐款10 000令吉,资助在该地区安装免费的自 动贩卖机,向有需要的儿童分发牛奶。此免费牛奶项目是合作伙 伴为马来西亚韩国社交协会、韩国驻马来西亚大使馆、Masjid Al-Hidayad清真寺和Farm Fresh Malaysia。
作为该项目第一阶段的一部分,参加清真寺福利计划的100名儿童 将获得为期一年的免费牛奶。从甘榜双溪本查拉(Kampung Sungai Penchala)开始,孩子们可以通过在泗岩沫(Segambut)郊区设置的 免费牛奶贩卖机取得免费牛奶。Allegra科技私人有限公司在赞助 这些贩卖机方面发挥了关键作用,并为该计划提供必要技术。
为了促进儿童健康成长和消除儿童饥饿的集体努力,马来西亚韩 泰轮胎、马来西亚浦项制铁、CJ Century Logistic、马来西亚SK 和MyOptic几家韩国公司齐心协力,为该计划提供了财政捐助。
在发布会上,马来西亚韩泰轮胎董事经理南午铉强调该公司坚守 社会责任的承诺。他说:“我们有责任为多年来支持公司的本地 社区带来积极影响。马来西亚韩泰轮胎很高兴成为免费牛奶计划 的一部分,并将继续支持需要帮助的本地社区和组织。”
韩泰轮胎表示,该公司将通过产品捐赠、财政支持和积极参与本 地安全计划等各种举措支持其工厂和子公司附近的社区。该公司 将不断努力,为这些社区的福祉和健康发展做出贡献。

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