Page 41 - TYM 2023-6
P. 41

47 森美兰轮胎商公会(NSTDRA)于2023年11月19日在NSK芙
蓉包山包海酒家隆重举办47周年纪念联欢晚,席开72 桌。
主席邱铧升透露,目前森美州80%的轮胎商都是森美兰轮胎商公 会的会员,为公会注入强心针,壮大会员组织。这将有利于该会 在与有关单位讨论问题时,取得更高的效益。
他强调,在这个过程中,该会深刻理解到“再创巅峰”的使命。 巅峰不是终点,而是新的起点。作为轮胎商,他们将不断追求卓 越、持续创新,为客户提供更安全、更舒适及更高性能的轮胎产 品及服务,为客户创造更大的价值,为社会做出更多贡献。
废轮胎的处理是全球性的问题,目前废轮胎可循环利用的空间极 小,只能回收一部分制造轮胎所耗费的材料。由此可见,他说, 废轮胎所带来的问题,严重影响了我国在环保减碳上付出的努 力。他呼吁政府严正看待这个问题,让政府及业者能够以共商共 赢的方案,解决问题。
代表交通部长陆兆福出席该联欢会的亚沙国会议员谢琪清强调, 不管是政府相关部门、私人界或环保学术专家都有共同的责任去 处理废轮胎,让废轮胎在不造成环境污染下,得到良好的处置。
“早前废轮胎的处理方式,都是注入砂石后进行填海。虽然这个 方式容易处理,但是随着近年来人们环保意识的提升,继续使用 这种方式处理废轮胎,将会对海洋大自然造成严重的破坏。”
他认为,除了交通部外,科学、工艺及革新部也有责任,以现有 的技术把废轮胎变成有用的东西,例如,把废轮胎重新提炼成工 业油或塑料,再进行广泛使用。否则只是将废轮胎丢入垃圾场会 污染环境,造成环境问题。
此外,谢琪清也代表陆兆福宣布,拨出5千令吉作为该公会的活 动基金。
筹委会主席苏秀荣感谢合作伙伴及赞助商的信任和支持,让该会 不断壮大。他也感谢筹委会的努力,使到宴会如此成功。
当晚的节目包括切蛋糕仪式、敬酒、文娱活动以及捐款给马来西 亚轮胎商总会(MATRDS)。
hindered the the the country's efforts to to reduce CO2 footprint He strongly urged the the the government to to to address this issue earnestly as as the the the Asso- ciation
was looking forward to to a a a a a a a a a mutually beneficial solution Meanwhile Cha Kee Chin the Member of Parliament for Rasah who represented Transport Minister Anthony Loke in in in in attending the the celebration emphasised the the collective responsibility of gov- ernment departments private sector and environmental protec- tion
experts to to ensure the the appropriate disposal of scrap tyres and prevent any adverse impact on on on the the environment “In the the past a a a a a a a a a a common practice involved using scrap tyres along with sand and and gravel for reclamation However given the the the grow- ing awareness of environmental consideration there is is now a a a a a a a a a a a a a recognition that such practices could pose risks to our oceans ” In In his view not only the the the Ministry Ministry of of Transportation but also the the the Ministry Ministry of of of Science Technology and Innovation bore the the the the respon- sibility He stressed the the importance of of employing existing tech- nology to to to repurpose scrap tyres into valuable resources such as as converting them to to to to to industrial oil and and plastics for diverse applica- tions tions as as as opposed to to to to to resorting to to to to to landfill methods that contribute to to to to environmental issues He urged the the the state tyre associations to to to to collaborate with the the the government in the the the responsible disposal of scrap tyres Cha on on on on behalf of of Loke declared a a a a a a contribution of of RM5000 to the Association’s activity fund Organising Chairman Soo Siew Yong expressed gratitude to the collaboration of business partners and and sponsors by acknowledg- ing ing their trust and and support that contributed to the the the Association’s growth He also thanked the the the organising committee for organis- ing this successful event The evening's agenda featured various activities such as as the cake-cutting ceremony toasting entertainment and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a fund do- nation to to the Malaysian Association
of Tyre Retreaders & Deal- ers Societies (MATRDS) Kiu Huat Shing President Negeri Sembilan Tyre Dealers & Retreaders Association
(NSTDRA) Organising Chairman Soo Siew Yong 41 the tyreman 2023/6

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