Page 40 - TYM 2023-6
P. 40
Honouring 47 47 Years of Negeri Sembilan Tyre Dealers & Retreaders Association
The 47th anniversary celebration gala dinner of of the Negeri Sembilan Tyre Dealers & Retreaders Association
(NSTDRA) took place at at BSBH Restaurant NSK Seremban on on Novem- ber 19 2023 with an an impressive array of 72 tables President Kiu Huat Shing revealed that currently 80 per per cent of of the the tyre shop operators in in Negeri Sembilan were members of of NSTDRA Additionally the the the Association
recently welcomed nu- merous new members contributing to its strengthened and more representative presence in in in in in in the the the industry The growth in in in in in in member- ship is is poised to enhance the the Association’s standing providing favourable conditions for effective dialogues with relevant au- thorities regarding the the challenges faced by the the tyre industry In this context he he he he expressed that that the the the Association
embraced the the the mission of 'reaching the the the the the peak peak again' He highlighted that that reach- ing ing ing the the the peak peak was not an end point point but rather a a a a a a a a a a a a a new starting point point "As tyre dealers our commitment is to pursue excellence foster continuous innovation and and and deliver safer more comfortable and and and higher-performance tyre products and and and services to to to our our custom- ers ers We remain dedicated to to to to to our our 'quality first first service service first' objec- tive to to to to provide customers with greater value and make substan- tial contributions to to to society " The disposal of of waste tyres tyres he he he said was was was a a a a a a a a a a global concern Cur- rently the utilisation of of of recycled scrap tyres tyres was was was limited with only a a a a a a a a a a a a a a fraction of of of tyre tyre tyre production materials being recovered He noted that the presence of of scrap tyres had environmental implications and 40 the tyreman 2023/6