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damage and scratches when parking or navigating high curbs "Falken previously offered the the FK510 tyre which was was succeeded by the the FK520 that was was designed for SUVs However the the FK520 sizes primarily cater to larger vehicles leaving out the the the the compact SUVs With the the the introduction of the the the latest Falk- en CT60 series available in in in in in diameters ranging from 16 inches inches to 20 inches inches the the company not only meets the the demand for for common sizes but also addresses the the increasing need for for for compact SUVs The speed rating for for the the new tyre ranges from H (210km/h) to V (240km/h) " "Priced between RM400 and RM1 100 the CT60 is suitable for a a a a a wide range of SUVs including those from Subaru Lex- us Toyota Nissan Honda Mazda Mit- subishi Suzuki Proton Perodua BMW Mercedes and more " Kong expressed his confidence in in the the new product stating ‘the CT60 is is backed by a a a a a a a a a a a five-year warranty against manufac- turing defects that is is effective from the installation date This reflects our assur- ance in in the the quality of the the new tyre’ Regarding sales targets he he disclosed that the company was aiming for dou- ble-digit growth 销商添福胶胎(马)私人有限公 随 胎的磨损和湿地性能。该轮胎的不对称胎 面花纹具有多边形内槽,可增加湿地牵引 力,并辅以高刚性外胎肩肋纹,带来SUV 所需要的操控和稳定性。 “此外,”他续说:“四个宽阔的圆周沟 槽可通过胎面花纹快速排水,即使在大雨 中也能确保轮胎与地面的接触处于最佳状 况,有效防止轮胎打滑。此外,与领先的 轮胎竞争对手相比,这款新轮胎的制动距 离更短。” 江泽纬自豪地强调提高燃油效率和延长胎 面寿命的好处。“3D Canyon刀槽花纹将胎 肩块联锁起来,以对抗SUV因重心较高所 造成的磨损。此外,该轮胎的圆形轮廓, 使整个胎侧能够弯曲并有效吸收路面冲击 力,增强了驾驶舒适度。” 他解释说,一般抓地力高的轮胎的里程数 会较低。然而,得益于飞劲的专有4D纳米 技术,该公司成功开发出具有高湿地抓地 力和更长行驶里程的轮胎。 值得注意的是,他表示,CT60配备了轮辋 保护装置,可防止轮胎在停车或在高路缘 行驶时被损坏和划伤。 “飞劲较早前推出了FK510轮胎,后来又 专为SUV设计了FK520轮胎。然而,FK520 的尺寸主要迎合大型车辆,因此忽略了紧 凑型SUV的需求。最新飞劲CT60系列的推 出,轮胎直径尺寸从16寸到20寸,不仅满 足了普通尺寸的需求,还满足了紧凑型 SUV日益增长的需求,新轮胎的速度等级 从H(210公里/小时)到V(240公里/小 时)级 ”。 “CT60轮胎的售价介于400至1 100令吉之 间,适用于各种SUV,包括斯巴鲁(Suba- ru)、雷克萨斯(Lexus)、丰田(Toyo- ta)、日森(Nissan)、本田(Honda)、 马自达(Mazda)、三菱(Mitsubishi)、 铃木(Suzuki)、普腾(Proton)、第二 国产车(Perodua)、宝马(BMW)及马赛 地(Mercedes)等。” 江泽纬对该新产品充满信心,并表 示:“CT60轮胎享有五年的制造缺陷保 修,自安装之日起生效。这反映了我们对 新轮胎质量的保证。” 询及销售目标,他透露公司的目标是实现 两位数增长。 The new Falken CT60 is is backed by a a a a a a a a a a a five-year warranty against manufacturing defects that is is effective from the installation date 9 the tyreman 2024/1 着休旅车(SUV)在道路上的普 及,飞劲轮胎马来西亚独家经 司引进了飞劲CT60,一款专为满足当今 SUV需求而设计的轮胎。 马来西亚添福胶胎休旅车及四驱车销售主 管江泽纬表示:“据大马汽车公会的数 据显示,2023年的SUV销量达到210 162 辆,约占SUV和四驱车(4x4)总销量 (270 065辆)的80%。此外,我们注意到 市场上紧凑型SUV的增长趋势。我们相信 目前正是推出专为SUV量身定制的全新飞 劲CT60轮胎系列的最佳时机。” 他详细说明了飞劲CT60轮胎的特点,并指 出该轮胎通过4D纳米技术,采用创新的生 物质材料增强复合胶。据悉,该技术有助 于提高胎面的柔韧性和附着力,同时减少 聚合物产生的热量。将这个技术与含有二 氧化硅的复合胶配合使用,有助于提高轮 

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