Page 11 - TYM 2024-1
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Utilising Giti Seal Technology the the company pointed out out that the the the new tyre tyre featured advanced self-sealing rubber with ‘out- standing adhesion’ ensuring a a a a a a a a a a a a a secure attachment to the the tyre’s inner wall for long-lasting coverage and and protection Its unique GitiSeal compound viscosity is is said to ensure reliable sealant performance even in in extreme temperatures With the the quick seal- ing capabilities it it it it it could effectively seal seal a a a a a a a a a a a hole on the the tyre up to to 5mm thanks to to its rubber polymer with with a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a dense molecular chain arrangement that retained air within the tyre tyre and maintained tyre tyre pressure This seamless return to service offered maximum con- venience and reliability for users Giti Tire Malaysia also seized the the opportunity to acknowledge the the the dedication and exceptional performance of its dealers through various award categories including the the Five Star Star Hon- ours Award Award Award Shining Star Star Award Award Award and Associate Appreciation Award Award Award Adding excitement to to to the evening were lucky draws with which guests stood to to to win cash prizes 2月2日,佳通轮胎(马来西亚)有限公司在吉隆坡文华酒店 举办了盛大的团圆晚宴,庆祝2024年农历新年。此次活动 共有200名嘉宾参加,其中包括佳通轮胎和Speedwork的代 表,佳通经销商Tyrim Resources私人有限公司和代理商。 佳通轮胎集团国际销售与营销执董事成博文(Chris Bloor)因未 能出席此次活动,通过视频向嘉宾致辞。他指出数字化时代的重 要性,并表示数字化的时代已经到来。与20年前相比,智能手机 和电子邮件如今已经是无处不在。他强调变革的必然性和数字 化转型对个人和企业的影响。他表示,佳通致力于通过联盟公 司Speedwork开发的工具进行数字转型,帮助与会者促进业务增 长,通过现代化的数字解决方案,提高效率、盈利能力、客户吸 引力和整体业务成果。 Tyrim Resources董事经理Lee Sai Loong则表示过去的一年是充 满挑战的一年,也是他们一起努力的一年。他预期2024年将面临 更多的挑战,但他相信,有了大家的信任和支持,任何困难都可 以一一解决。他强调韧性的重要性,并表示:“所谓关关难过, 关关过。”他也不忘提醒与会者,做生意要成功,不仅只是进 攻,也要懂得防守。 马来西亚佳通轮胎在该晚宴种推出了GitiControl P10,一款舒 适和静音的超高性能轮胎。这款新轮胎采用静音水波状花纹、三 段可变节距和错位设计,以及优化的横向沟槽,降低噪音并提高 驾驶舒适性。 GitiControl P10的尺寸从17至22寸,拥有3D外主沟槽设计,可提 高操控反应和精准性。其预变形沟槽技术有利于排水并减少胎面 变形,从而增强控制力。优化的横向沟槽切割角度设计,确保轮 胎接地面更均匀,缩短停车距离,提高行车安全性。 马来西亚佳通轮胎解释说:“水膜被吸入横向沟槽并迅速引导至 主沟槽,加速排水。这不仅增强了轮胎整个使用寿命的湿地性能 和耐磨性,其加宽和优化的纵向凹槽定位,则带来良好的湿地排 水性。” 11 the tyreman 2024/1 

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