Page 37 - TYM 2023-6
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proudly asserted that ‘Choice of Cham- pions’ wasn't confined to to local acclaim it stood as as a a a a a a a a a a a global sensation and exempli- fied the collaborative spirit between Pen- ang and Xiamen
Wong also stated that this referred to the the latest data from the the Malaysian Statistics Department which indicated that Penang remained the the primary export state in in in in Ma- laysia accounting for 34 6 per cent of the the nation's total exports With China as Ma- laysia's top trading partner partner he he believed the Malaysia-China trade partnership would would grow even stronger He hoped it would would become a a a a driving force for for in- creased business collaboration between Penang and and Xiamen
and and create numer- ous opportunities for both cities "Last month Penang welcomed a a a a a a a direct flight from Xiamen
marking a a a a a a a a a new era of connectivity and economic potential for both cities This route not only enhances the convenience for travellers but is is also expected to to have a a a a a a a a significant impact on on on tourism and the economy " he he added Also present were Alvin Hsieh Sales Di- rector CST Tires Xiamen
International Alice Khor CEO Kian Hon Tyres Sdn Bhd and Dato' Ooi Chin Loo Vice President Penang-Xiamen Friendship Association 爪则体现了该轮胎的强大抓地力。
Dragon Dragon Claw CL21M由Land Dragon系列 CL18M演变而来,从CL18M 35x10 5-16发 展到CL21M 39x12 5-16,具有增强,可实 现卓越岩石和泥浆牵引力的胎壁设计。
Dragon Claw轮胎高达39寸,是马来西亚 高度最高的轮胎,为极限越野冒险提供了 更强大的抓地力。
马来西亚正新轮胎兼Blanc Designs董事经 理陳宣鴒谈到了这些轮胎背后的非凡创 意。她表示,这些轮胎的配方不仅仅满 足,而是超越国际标准。它们不只是橡胶 和胎面,它们展现了无与伦比的工艺和创 造力,在比赛中获得了冠军,享誉国际, 并出口到180个国家/地区。她自豪地宣 称,“冠军之选”的赞誉不仅限于本地, 它轰动全球,体现了槟城和厦门之间的合 作精神。
黄汉伟还表示,根据大马统计局的最新数 据,槟城仍然是全马最主要的出口州属, 占全国出口总额的34 6%。随着中国成为 马来西亚最大的贸易伙伴,他相信马中贸 易伙伴关系将会更加牢固。他希望这将成 为槟城和厦门之间加强商业合作的动力, 为两地企业创造大量商机。
出席者包括厦门正新轮胎国际营销总监谢 启文、建丰轮胎有限公司首席执行员许爱 莉以及槟城-厦门友好协会副会长拿督黄 振裕等。
槟城旅游及创意经济委员会主席黄汉伟在该 活动中致辞时表示,他希望槟城与厦门姐妹 城市企业家之间的合作顺利,让这两座姐 妹城市共同以创意推动两地的经济和未来。
厦门正新轮胎和槟城Blanc Designs团队合 作打造的卓越产品是此次活动的重心。该 活动期间还播放了CST Dragon Claw CL21M 轮胎的设计概念视频。
2023年,Team CST 4x4 Malaysia和 Blanc Designs 推出了尺寸更大的全球竞赛轮胎 CST Dragon Dragon Claw CL21M。Land Dragon轮 胎系列的龙图案象征着无畏的力量,而犬
盛大举行,庆祝槟城与厦门, 正 新轮胎(CST)“冠军之选”轮 胎展示活动于2023年10月29日
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