Page 29 - TYM 2023-6
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Describing the ELA320 he he pointed out out that it had stable current output excellent performance indicators and and various protection mechanisms to to underscore its reliability efficiency safety and and user-friendly design A subsequent product ELP400 incorporates multiple test and and maintenance modes and and and caters to the discharge charging charging charging cy- cle charging charging charging and and and discharging tests of various lithium batteries in in in in in in the the market With its intelligent operating system and and support for wireless data transmission he he he he said the the ELP400 helped in in in in in in in in maintaining and and managing battery packs and and contributed to an an an an an extended service life Addressing the specific needs of new energy batteries like lith- ium-ion phosphate ternary lithium lithium and lithium lithium manganate he he he said the ELB300 was designed to to quickly address cruising range degradation caused by variations in in in cell cell capacity due to to incon- sistent cell voltages Also available was the TLT615D that Lim described as as an an ideal compact compact lift for for EV battery pack replacement and routine mainte- nance suitable for for workplaces with with limited space This compact compact lift is is said to operate safely and efficiently with with its mechanical safety lock Besides that he he he said the newly launched TTH-84-piece me- chanic tools tools tools were introduced for EV maintenance This insulated tools tools tools cart he he stated included seven layers with different tools tools tools to to to to meet the demands of most EV models This marked the the company's second appearance at at the the MIAPEX 23
exhibition "LSK previously participated in 2019 and and success- fully closed some deals This year the company expanded its presence occupying a a a a a a a a a floor space with four to six booths Rec- ognising the the challenging market conditions it it it is is crucial for the the company to to adopt a a a a a a a a a a a a a proactive approach to to enhance awareness of its presence beyond just sales " he concluded 公司所提供的激活卡激活和下载。接着,元征还推出了新能源、 燃油汽车维修专用的ELA320智能数字电源。
在介绍ELA320时,他指出,该产品具有稳定的电流输出、优异的 性能指标和多种保护机制,凸显其可靠性、高效性、安全性和人 性化设计。
后续产品ELP400融合了多种测试和维护模式,满足市场上各种锂 电池的放电、充电、循环充放电测试。他表示,ELP400凭借其智 能操作系统和对无线数据传输的支持,有助于维护和管理电池 组,并有助于延长使用寿命。
他表示,ELB300新电池包电芯均衡仪,用于快速解决磷酸锂、三 元锂、锰酸锂等新能源电池电芯电压不一致所导致的电芯容量变 化而造成续航里程下降问题。
另外,林星强指出TLT615D紧凑型升降机,则是日常维护和更换 电动汽车电池组的理想选择,适用于空间有限的工作场所。据 称,这款紧凑型升降机配有机械安全锁,可安全高效地运行。
除此之外,他表示,新推出的TTH-84件机修工具适用于电动汽车 维护。他表示,这款绝缘工具车有七层,配有不同的工具,可以 满足大多数电动汽车车型的要求。
这是该公司第二次亮相于MIAPEX 23展会。他总结说:“LSK此前 曾参加过2019年MIAPEX的展会,并成功完成了一些交易。今年, 公司扩大了展出的面积,占据了四到六个展位空间。我们认为在 目前充满挑战的市场状况下,公司必须采取积极主动的方法来增 强竞争力,让人们意识到公司的存在,而不仅仅是销售产品而 已。”
刚刚结束的MIAPEX 23展览会。 L 作为马来西亚元征科技的活跃代理商之一,LSK展台的焦点是元 征电动汽车全系列解决方案。
总经理林星强表示:“全球汽车市场正在快速增长,预计到2030 年,售出的汽车中将有四分之一是电池驱动的,全球电动汽车销 量将达到近3 5亿辆。电动汽车(EV)的激增意味着电动汽车行业 对产品和服务的巨大需求。针对这一趋势,公司推出了一系列电 动汽车诊断和维护产品。这些产品是专为修复和维护电池组、电 动汽车控制单元(EV-ECU)、电机系统和其他工具而设计,兼容 目前市场上所有的主流电动汽车车型。”
虽然电动汽车在马来西亚的采用率相对较低,但该公司的目标是 为未来做好准备。林星强表示,元征的电动汽车解决方案包括电 动汽车诊断升级套件,该套件配备了适用于各种汽车品牌的电池 包测检测仪。电动车电池组诊断软件和附加诊断软件,可通过该
SK Auto Resources参加了近期在绿野国际会展中心盛大举行,
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