Page 28 - TYM 2023-6
P. 28

local industrial news
LSK Showcases Launch EV Solution Series at MIAPEX 23
LSK携元征电动汽车解决方案系列 亮相MIAPEX 23展
Alex Lim (left) General General Manager Manager LSK Auto Resources and Chia See Yong General General Manager Manager Launch Tech Malaysia Sdn Bhd LSK Auto Resources took part in in the the recently con- cluded MIAPEX 23
which was held at at the the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre As one of of the the active dealers of of Launch Tech Malaysia taking centre stage at the the LSK booth was a a a a a a a a a a a a full series of Launch EV solutions “The global automotive market is experiencing rapid growth with projections indicating that by 2030 one in in in in four cars sold would would be battery powered and the glob- al al electric electric car car volume would would reach almost 350 million This surge in in electric electric vehicles (EVs) signifies a a a a a a a a a sub- stantial demand for products and and services in in the the EV EV sector In response to to this trend the the company brought in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a series of EV diagnostic and and maintenance prod- ucts Specifically designed for repairing and and maintain- ing ing battery packs EV EV control units (EV-ECUs) electric motor systems and other tools these products are compatible with all mainstream EV models currently in in the market ”
said General Manager Alex Lim While the the adoption of EVs in in Malaysia remains rel- atively low the the company aimed to position itself as future ready Launch's EV EV solutions Lim stated en- compassed the EV EV Diagnostic Upgrade Kit that came equipped with battery battery pack pack testing cables for various vehicle brands The battery battery pack pack diagnostic diagnostic software software along with additional diagnostic diagnostic software software for electric vehicles could be activated and downloaded us- ing ing the the activation card provided Following this the the ELA320 an an an intelligent digital power supply designed for the maintenance of new energy and fuel vehicles was introduced 28 the tyreman 2023/6

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