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Vipal´s Retreading Partner in New Zealand Approves Agricultural Tyres in Product Tests

Vipal Retreading Agricultural Tyres

A leader like Vipal Rubber knows that its products are constantly being evaluated in the most diverse markets in which it operates.

Power Retreads: Vipal’s Vulcanised Blocks Offer Better Mileage

However, when the results of these tests come spontaneously, it is even better, as they help to prove the superior quality of the brand. That is what has happened with Power Retreads, a retreader based in Hastings, New Zealand, who tested Vipal‘s vulcanised blocks, which are used to retread tyres on fertilizer spreaders in the relugging process. As partners, they obtained approval across the board, with the Director of Power Retreads, Dave Leicester, noting that there has been a 53 per cent improvement in the mileage of newly relugged tyres compared to a brand new tyre.

With such strong results Power Retreads has immediately made Vipal‘s vulcanised blocks available to its customers in the New Zealand market, offering a new and specific service for tyres used on small trucks that travel both on highways and in the field. The added benefit for this is that can be used to spread fertilizers on grass paddocks, on flat and hilly terrain.  “The tests carried out on Vipal‘s relugged tyres, both on the rear and front axles, have shown excellent performance,” Leicester added, happily. He explained that the tyres provide good traction both uphill and downhill on slick grassy surfaces as, “They have also had good mileage performance on the road compared to new tyres.” Finally, he reported that drivers, who at first feared that the vehicle would vibrate said that “the truck works well and they are very happy with the performance of Vipal‘s relugged tyres…..”

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一个像Vipal橡胶那样的领袖知道,其产品将会不断地在其营运的多元化市场中被评估。然而,当这些测试的结果是自发的,那就更好了,因为它们将证实该品牌的卓越性品质。位于新西兰哈斯丁(Hastings)的翻胎业者 Power Retreads,测试了Vipal的硫化块状花纹。该花纹在翻新过程中用于肥料撒播机的翻新轮胎上。作为伙伴,他们获得了全面的认可,Power Retreads董事莱斯特(Dave Leicester)表示,相较于全新的轮胎,这款刚翻新轮胎的里程数改善了53%。

来自Power Retreads的强大测试结果,使Vipal硫化块状花纹即刻供应至新西兰市场,为应用于高速公路和该领域的小卡车轮胎提供一个全新和专门的服务。它的额外好处是能够应用在草场,平地和丘陵地带撒播肥料。“安装于后轴和前轴的Vipal翻胎测试结果显示卓越的性能。”莱斯特开心地补充。他解释,该轮胎在上山和下山的光滑表面不仅展现牵引力,而且与新轮胎比较,还拥有良好的里程数。最后,他报告说,一开始担心车辆会震动的司机也说“卡车运行良好,他们都很满意Vipal翻胎的性能—–。”


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