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Tyre Repair Patches: Market Trends and Opportunities in Malaysia

Tyre Repair Patches- Malaysia market
Tyre Repair Patches- Malaysia market

The tyre repair patches market in Malaysia plays a crucial role in supporting the automotive and transportation industries by ensuring damaged tyres could be effectively repaired and put back into service.

Insights into Malaysia’s Tyre Repair Patches Market

While exact market size figures are unavailable, it remains a key segment within the tyre after-sales industry.

To gain a deeper understanding of the market’s current state, challenges and prospect, The Tyreman spoke with two industry players – Kevin Chan, Malaysia & Singapore Country Manager of TECH International (SE Asia) Limited and Steve Liew, Managing Director of LKM Auto Tools and Equipment Sdn Bhd. Both shared their insights and experiences.

Chan observed that the Malaysian tyre repair patch market saw steady growth that was driven by the expansion of the automotive and transport industries. Although exact market figures were specific to individual sectors, TECH Tyre Repair saw increased demand, especially for high-quality, durable repair solutions that reflected a broader trend of extending tyre life and reducing operational costs…….

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这一期,本刊特别访问了两位活跃于本地轮胎修补片的业者 – 泰克国际(东南亚)有限公司(TECH International (SE Asia) Limited ),马来西亚和新加坡区域经理陈建荣和LKM汽车工具及设备私人有限公司(LKM Auto Tools and Equipment Sdn Bhd)董事经理刘俊业,请他们谈谈他们的看法和经验,以便读者能够更深地入地了解该市场的现状、挑战和前景。

陈建荣察觉到随着汽车和运输行业的扩张,大马轮胎修补片市场稳步增长。尽管具体的市场数据因各个行业而异,但泰克轮胎修补(TECH Tire Repair)看到了需求的增长,特别是对高品质、耐用的修复解决方案的需求,而这反映了延长轮胎使用寿命和降低运营成本的更广泛趋势……


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