Events and Anniversaries

Trelleborg Tires’ Field Day Demonstrated the Importance of Tyre Pressure

The Trelleborg Tires‘ Field Day in China has evolved into a platform that combines exhibitions, collaborations, and communications.

Trelleborg Tires Gathered 400 Chinese Professional Farmers at the “On the Same Track” Field Day

To demonstrate the impact of agricultural tyres on machinery operation, highlight the importance of appropriate tyre pressure, and to foster the high-quality, efficient development of China’s agricultural machinery, Trelleborg Tires held “On the Same Track” Trelleborg Tires Field Day on 23 June 2024 at the Baoquanling State Farm in Heilongjiang province (China).

At the event, 400 professional farmers witnessed how the Trelleborg TM800 Heavy Duty (HD) tyre, specifically developed for the Chinese market, further boosts the efficiency of high horsepower tractors in heavy conditions with a high quantity of stubbles. With its modified tyre structure and compound, this new TM800HD tyre brings very good performance against puncturing and perforations of hard plants as well as on stony soil.

Together with Case IH, Trelleborg Tires focused on the crucial role of correct tyre pressure, demonstrating the premium performance of its tyres in terms of efficiency, fuel consumption, and soil protection, by comparing the field performance of tractors with identical configurations but varying tyre pressures.

Sandy Luo, Commercial Managing Director of China at Yokohama TWS, shared the initial purpose of the “On the Same Track” Black-soil Field Day. “Black soil is a scarce global resource, and China’s Northeast region is not only part of the world’s black soil belt but also the largest commodity grain base in China, bearing the responsibility of ensuring national food security,” he explained in an official statement.

“Our aim is to draw attention to the proper use of agricultural tyres through field demonstrations in the black-soil region, enhance the balance between its protection and utilization, and encourage the transition to green farming. At the same time, we strive to enrich customers’ offline experience, foster deeper communication in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, and explore further possibilities to jointly advance sustainable agricultural development,” he elaborated.

The China Field Day, initiated in 2015, has evolved into a platform that combines exhibitions, collaborations, and communications. The 2024 edition introduced the annual theme “On the Same Track” for the first time and incorporated the “Black Soil Music Festival” as part of the event, enabling on-site farmers to live the joy of farming and discover more efficient and sustainable solutions.

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