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Sinwufu All Set to Build Maxtrek Tyre Brand in Malaysia

Sinwufu Maxtrek Tyre Malaysia

Sinwufu Enterprise Sdn Bhd has added a new tyre brand – Maxtrek into its product offerings. 

Sinwufu Sees Opportunity in Maxtrek

Despite the challenges and uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Sinwufu Enterprise Sdn Bhd has continued to expand its product offerings by bringing in a new tyre band – Maxtrek.

To answer our question as to whether launching a new brand amidst a pandemic would be a logical step, Managing Director Yap Ah Tiong explains that in every crisis lies an opportunity. Due to budget constraint and supply-chain disruption, the pandemic has forced consumers to change their shopping behaviour, by trying out a new brand or shopping at a different retailer during the pandemic.  Therefore, the company sees it as an opportunity to penetrate the market with a new brand.

“To meet price sensitive customer demand, we have taken the initiative measure of bringing in another brand. Maxtrek, is a brand that is not only widely known in its home market, but has also been receiving a good response from more than 90 countries in the world…….”

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询及冠病大流行期间推出新品牌是否合乎逻辑,董事经理叶亚忠表示,每一次的危机都蕴含着机遇。冠病大流行导致消费预算受限制和供应链中断,迫使消费者尝试新品牌或在其他零售商处购物,从而改变了他们的购物行为。该公司将这个情况看成商机, 并认为这是新品牌打入市场的好时机。

“为了满足价格敏感客户的需求,我们主动引入另一个品牌。 新迪这个品牌不仅在中国市场广为人知,而且在全球90多个国家得到了良好的反响…..。”


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