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Petronas Opens Malaysia’s First AutoExpert Centre

Petronas Malaysia AutoExpert Centre

The Petronas AutoExpert service centre allows customers to enjoy Petronas’ technical expertise under one roof at their convenience.

Petronas AutoExpert Opens in Shaha Alam

Petronas Lubricants Marketing Malaysia (PLMM) and Petronas Lubricant International (PLI) launched Malaysia’s first Petronas AutoExpert service centre to offer top-end products and high-quality car maintenance services to customers.

The recent opening of the Petronas AutoExpert service centre was officiated by Petronas Vice President of Marketing, Downstream Business, Dato’ Sri Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir, PLI’s Head of Asia Pacific Regional Business Ruslan Halim Islahudin, PLMM’s CEO Hardeep Singh and Autohaus’ Director Muhammad Eezam Masripan.

The launch is part of a wider plan by PLI to provide convenience to customers by bringing Petronas‘ fluid technology and technical expertise under one roof. This is the first of 100 centres expected to be established in Malaysia, with more to be opened in 30 countries over the next five years. The first outlet here is managed by a local partner, Autohaus, an experienced full-fledged auto service provider with a ‘trusted’ car service centre.

“Having the Petronas AutoExpert service centre allows customers to enjoy Petronas’ technical expertise under one roof at their convenience. Again, we are geared to move like never before by offering value added services that are usually associated with under-warranty care only, accessible to all drivers and passenger car types worldwide. Ultimately, we strive to deliver seamless and frictionless experiences consistently,” said Dato’ Sri Syed Zainal Abidin.

At the Petronas AutoExpert service centre, customers are assured of efficiency and attention from specially trained mechanics utilising the latest tools and technology to conduct vehicle inspection, engine diagnostics, oil change and more. The centre also boasts 14 repair bays to accommodate a high customer volume.

Joining Petronas AutoExpert network provides independent workshops like Autohaus access to systems and tools that help facilitate a more efficient service, an all-round solutions scheme that includes training, marketing support, effective trade programmes and consultancy for future business development as well as leveraging on Petronas as a leading global brand.



该服务中心的开幕仪式由国油下游业务行销副总裁拿督斯里赛再纳(Dato’ Sri Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir )、PLI 亚太区业务主管陆斯兰哈林(Ruslan Halim Islahudin )、PLMM首席执行员哈迪普(Hardeep Singh)及Autohaus总监默哈末依詹(Muhammad Eezam Masripan)主持。


“国油AutoExpert服务中心提供一站式的服务,让客户能够享有国油技术专长的便利。我们将提供前所未有,一般只限于仍在保修期内的车子才能享有的附加值服务,欢迎所有的驾驶人和全世界的轿车款型前来寻求服务。我们的最终目的让客户享受一个无缝和流畅的服务经验。” 拿督斯里赛再纳表示。



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