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Li Fanrong to Become Pirelli’s Chairman

Pirelli's Chairman

Li Fanrong to replace Ning HGaoning as the New Chairman of Pirelli’s Borad of Director. 

Li Fanrong to Replace Ning Gaoning as New Chairman

The Board of Directors of Pirelli & C. Spa has met and proceeded with the cooptation of Li Fanrong in place of Ning Gaoning who  – as announced on 8th October 2022 – tendered his resignation from the Board.

The Board also saw to the nomination of the non-executive director Li Fanrong as Chairman attributing to him the legal representation of the company as well as the other attributed powers based on the current Bylaws, notwithstanding the powers and prerogatives of the Board. In addition, the Board decided on the nomination of Li Fanrong as a member of the Strategies Committee and Nominations and Succession Committee.

The new Board member, who will remain in the role until the next shareholders’ meeting, does not possess the requisites of independence indicated in legislation and the Code of Corporate Governance and as of today does not hold shares and/or other financial instruments issued by Pirelli.

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