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Cars of Malaysia 2019 Celebrates Best Choices of Consumers

Cars of Malaysia 2019

Giti Tire Malaysia recently sponsored the Cars of Malaysia 2019, described as a ‘unique one-of-its-kind’ car buying guide organised by Evomalaysia.

Giti Tire Malaysia Sponsors Cars of Malaysia 2019

Giti Tire Malaysia recently sponsored the Cars of Malaysia 2019, described as a ‘unique one-of-its-kind’ car buying guide organised by Evomalaysia. The aim is to aid the purchasing decision of new car buyers by identifying the best three vehicles in each segment. Giti Tire says it has a strong focus on the wide variety of the cars in each segment and ensures that the concerns of tyre safety and driving performance are requisite for the drivers.

The evaluation process for Cars of Malaysia 2019 considers all new cars currently on sale and sorts them into 30 categories, which are then put to the vote by consumers. Voting was announced exclusively through Aurizn’s social media channels and 3,351 car buyers casted their votes over a one-month period.

Preceding the results announcement ceremony was a large gathering of car owners with Aurizn’s team of presenters leading an 80-car convoy that was flagged off in the morning from Kuala Lumpur and that proceeded to Putrajaya and back.

“It was an overwhelming turnout for our event. When we announced this drive two weeks ago, we had to close registration within days because people were signing up so quickly!” said Bobby Ang, Editor-in-Chief of Aurizn, the publisher of Evomalaysia.

Bobby explained that the Aurizn team always focused on helping consumers make the most informed decision possible with their car purchases.

“In our experience testing cars, there is no such thing as a zero sum game of just one best car in most given segments but it’s valid to say that in each segment, there are two or three very good choices,” he continued.

The result announcement took place at the Bukit Bintang City Centre (BBCC) in an evening event attended by a mix of car owners and car maker representatives that enabled direct exchange of feedback between them.

Besides finding the best new cars on sale, the Cars of Malaysia 2019 voting process also surveyed the overall happiness of car owners for their respective vehicle and brand. Results show that most Malaysians are generally happy with their current vehicles, although some expressed a desire to try another brand with their next purchase.

Cars of Malaysia 2019 is sponsored by Giti Tires, a global tyre brand headquartered in Singapore and with manufacturing and engineering presence globally from USA to Europe, China and Indonesia. It is the 10th largest tyre company in the world with a daily production volume of more than 289,000 tyres and annual revenue of US$3.4 billion.

Also supporting the event was premium window film maker Llumar, a world leader in solar and security films that offers a complete line of automotive tint, architectural window films and more recently, paint protection films.

“We want to thank our sponsors Giti Tires and Llumar as well as BBCC for providing us with this lovely venue to host our large guest turnout. More importantly, we want to thank our fans for their great support of not only our content but also our outings and events,” said Bobby.

Moving forward, he announced the upcoming Evo Enduro 2019, an enthusiasts-driven event that challenges participants to embark on a fun endurance drive from Kuala Lumpur to Phuket, with many scenic stops and routes along the way.

Evo Enduro began in 2017 as an attempt to bring the spirit of great long distance drives like Targa Florio and Mille Miglia to our shores. The response over the past two years was fantastic and we look forward to another successful round,” he said.

He continued: “Our popularity has grown tremendously over the past two years. We are known in the industry to be approachable and give trustworthy advice to consumers. Our events, be it Cars of Malaysia or Evo Enduro, are impactful events that resonate with our audience and help us build a meaningful connection with them.”

Cars of Malaysia 2019


马来西亚佳通轮胎赞助“Cars of Malaysia 2019”年度汽车评选活动。这个由EvoMalaysia所主办的活动,旨在每一 个细分市场中确定最好的三辆车,帮助新车买家做出最好的购买决定。佳通轮胎说,它重视每个细分市场的各种车辆,确保驾驶人关注轮胎安全和驾驶性能。

这项评选采用读者投票方式进行,选出在大马销售的30种级距新车。在为期一个月的活动中,共有3,351名购车人士参加投票,并由Aurizn社交媒体公布结果 。

主办方特别在成绩揭晓前主办了一个车主与Aurizn团队的大聚会。由80辆车子组成的车队, 在吉隆坡举行挥旗礼后,浩浩荡荡地往布城出发,然后再从布城返回吉隆坡。

“我们活动的出席率很高。我们在两个星期前宣布这项活动时,就取得了热烈反应,短短几天里就必须宣布终止报名,因为前来注册的人太多也太快!” Evomalaysia 出版人,Aurizn 主编Bobby Ang 表示。




除了找出市场上最佳的新车子外,Cars of Malaysia 2019的票选活动中也调查了车主对他们的车子和品牌的整体满意度。结果显示大部分的大马人满意他们现有的车子,只有一些表示会在购买下一辆车时尝试其他品牌。

佳通轮胎是Cars of Malaysia 2019的赞助商。这个总部在新加坡的全球轮胎品牌,在美国、欧洲、中国及印尼都拥有生产基地。佳通是全球十大轮胎制造商,每日生产超过289,000 条轮胎,每年营业收入高达34亿美元。


“我们要谢谢佳通轮胎和Llumur的赞助,以及为我们提供了这么一个好聚会地点的BBCC 。更重要的是我们要谢谢我们所有粉丝,不仅仅在内容,还有在活动上给予为我们的支持。”Bobby 表示。

他也公布说,接下来的Evo Enduro 2019是个充满乐趣的驾驶活动,挑战参与者参加从吉隆坡到普吉岛的耐力驾驶旅程。此活动将经过许多景区站和路线。

“从2017年开始举办的Evo Enduro 2019 ,旨在将长途驾驶人如弗洛尼奥(Targa Florio) 和米利亚(Mille Miglia)的精神带到我们这里。 前两年的反应很好,我们期待另一个成功。” 他说。

他继续:“我们的知名度在过去两年里急速增长。业界对我们的评价是我们很平易近人,而且能够为消费者提供可信赖的建议。我们的活动,不管是Cars of Malaysia 2019或Evo Enduro都是充满冲击性的活动,总能引起观众的共鸣,协助我们与他们建立一个有意义的联系。”

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