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Hunter Quick Check Drive & Quick Tread Edge Boost Professional Tyre Sales

Hunter Tyre Servicing
Hunter Tyre Servicing

In today’s fast-paced tyre servicing industry, speed, accuracy and efficiency are crucial. Investing in advanced servicing equipment is no longer optional but a necessity.

Revolutionising Tyre Servicing: Hunter’s Quick Check Drive and Quick Tread Edge

“Hunter Engineering is revolutionising the tyre service sector with its cutting-edge Quick Check Drive (QCD) and Quick Tread Edge (QTE) systems, designed to enhance service accuracy while optimising workflow and profitability,” said Senior Product Manager Alex Tiu, Newera Equipment Supply Sdn Bhd. The company is a long-standing distributor of Hunter servicing equipment.

The QCD, he explained, eliminated the need for manual labour and data entry. “It is an alignment inspection system that automatically checks vehicle alignment and photographs the vehicle as the customer enters the service drive in just three to five seconds.” This patented system, equipped with 16 lasers, checked alignment of the front and rear wheels in seconds while cameras took 40 pictures of the vehicle from all angles to detect body damage before the car was turned over for a service…….

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亨特Quick Check Drive和Quick Tread Edge



作为亨特一直以来合作无间的经销商,现代轮胎设备有限公司高级产品经理张建裕说:“亨特工程公(Hunter Engineering)通过其先进的 Quick Check Drive(QCD)和 Quick Tread Edge(QTE)系统彻底改变了轮胎服务行业。这些系统不仅能提升服务精准度,还能优化工作流程并提高盈利能力。”

他解释说,QCD消除了人工操作和数据输入的需求。“这是一款自动化的四轮定位检测系统,能够在车辆进入维修区的3至5秒内自动检查车轮定位并拍摄车辆照片。” 该专利系统配备16组激光传感器,可在数秒内精准检测前后车轮的定位情况,而高分辨率摄像头则会同时从多个角度拍摄40张车辆照片,以记录车身损伤情况,在车辆正式进入维修前提供完整的检查记录…….


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