With only one Earth to live on, Giti Tire believes it has embedded in its DNA an unwavering commitment to reduce environmental impact and these efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Giti Tire Strengthens Green Commitment with Top EcoVadis and CDP Ratings
Giti China secured a Platinum award in the 2025 EcoVadis evaluation with an impressive score of 85 to place it among the top one per cent of the tyre industry. Additionally, Giti received a B Rating for Climate and Sustainability from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which reinforces its commitment to green initiatives. Standing alongside industry giants like Michelin and Bridgestone, Giti established itself as a formidable green force within a competitive market.
“These recognitions are a welcome acknowledgment and validation that our efforts are indeed moving in the right direction,” commented Chris Bloor, Executive Director of Sales and Marketing of Giti Tire. “However, we would not rest on these laurels. We would continue to improve our processes and products, and ensure a greener future for the tyre industry and global mobility. Our current efforts are powered by our commitment to future generations and there are many more to come…..”
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只有一个地球可供生存,因此佳通轮胎始终秉持其减少对环境影响的承诺,并将这一理念深植于企业基因中。这些努力获得了广泛的认可,中国佳通在2025年EcoVadis 评估中荣获白金奖,取得了 85 分的优异成绩,跻身轮胎行业前 1%。此外,佳通还在碳信息披露项目(CDP)的气候与可持续性评级中获得 B 级评级,进一步巩固了其对绿色发展的承诺。与米其林和普利司通等行业巨头并肩,佳通在竞争激烈的市场中确立了强大的绿色实力。
佳通轮胎营销执行总监成博文(Chris Bloor)在谈及这些奖项时表示:“这些荣誉是对我们努力的方向的认可和肯定。然而,我们不会因此而止步。我们将持续优化生产流程和产品,以推动轮胎行业和全球交通,朝更环保的未来迈进。我们当前的努力不仅关乎当下,更是对未来世代的承诺…….”